Mango App

Mango app is a duo hub that functions primarily as a dating site and an e-commerce platform for business, stationed for majorly Africans in America to meet, connect and build a safe place for dating and/or business transactions.

Project Summary

Mango app is a duo hub that functions primarily as a dating site and an e-commerce platform for business, stationed for majorly Africans in America to meet, connect and build a safe place for dating and/or business transactions.
The Client whilst acknowledging cultural differences present in America wanted a common platform that is safe and secure enough for Africans in America to explore romantic vicissitudes outside of the “black” box.

Project Details

Keywords implemented:







Call to Action:

Client’s desired action was to target Africans in America to sign up, fill in the required details that embodies their profile and interests, connect with interested profiles, build a safe haven to foster relationships and end the social construct of racism in America a swipe at a time.

Client’s seevices provided:

Dating platform

Visual Design

We Created some visual designs to help promote and reach more targets and more customers

Let’s talk about beaming the spotlight for your apps

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