I am Green is a community resilience hub with an initiative focused on creating resilient and peaceful community by uplifting black people with a mix of eco-education and activism

Project Summary

I am Green is a community resilience hub with an initiative focused on creating resilient and peaceful community by uplifting black people with a mix of eco-education and activism. Client wanted an online community that enhances sustainable practices and nurtures a strong community connection.

Project Details

Keywords implemented in app:

Community resilience,




Green life.


Call to action:

The Client’s desired action was to have visitors donate(fundraise) to the continuing great work of eco-stewardship, connecting the community to resources, the planet and each other.

Client service provided:

Curriculum and eco-empowerment resources

Visual Design

We Created some visual designs to help promote and reach more targets and more customers

Let’s talk about beaming the spotlight on your brand’s social media pages

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