Our client came to us with the goal to make a beautiful website that would help moms build unbreakable bonds with their teens through cooking. Parental Queens is about helping High Performing moms that are busy and have lost touch with their teen to build healthier relationships.

Keywords implemented in site:

Parenting, motherhood, parenting teens, moms with teens, proper discipline for teens, cooking with teens, things to do with teens

Project Details

  • Products:

Parental Queen Coaching Program.

Parental Queen Merch.

  • Websites that we were inspired by:

  • Websites that the client didn’t like:



30 Days

Call to action:

The client’s desired result was to have visitors book a call. We opted to implement Calendly, an appointment booking software which is very popular and easy to use.

Client service provided:

To coach moms through learning the step by step fundamentals of building bonds with their teens.


We helped the client by identifying her competitors in the field and identifying what makes her different from them.

Lenita Abouchabake
Courtney Harris

Her solution is different because she has life experience and can relate with having a teenager of her own. She also implements fundamentals like cooking and other activities that a parent and teen can enjoy together.

Let’s talk about beaming the spotlight on your brand’s social media pages

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