Pretty j

PrettyJ Beauty World LLC is a registered company in the United State of America that deals in the retail of natural hairs, wigs and fashionable glasses.

Project Summary

PrettyJ Beauty World LLC is a registered company in the United State of America that deals in the retail of natural hairs, wigs and fashionable glasses. PrettyJ is known for quality beauty products and they needed to share the amazing experiences of customers to a larger audience. That’s where App To Match deployed her organic social media management service and had positive results.


A page had a total of 13.6K unique account impressions and about 212 accounts engaged with the page’s content from August 24 to September 22. The followers increased by about 1.4% which is an addition of 35 followers to make up a total of 2,382 followers. There were 445 interactions in reels and 54 engagements on posts.


Educative captions and designs were made for a beauty-inclined audience which attracted relevant attention and initiated engagement. Reels were also published with relevant hashtags to reach unique accounts that are likely to be interested in beauty products that PrettyJ offers.


Between August 24 to October 22, organic strategies were deployed on the page to increase page visibility and attract followers. Despite the competitiveness of the beauty niche, the page reached new accounts and added a number of followers.

Visual Design

We Created some visual designs to help promote and reach more targets and more customers

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